23 December 2014


“Resolutions” Again?

It seems hard to believe, each year coming faster and faster, but it’s the beginning of yet another year – 12 fresh months of virgin time, available for you to accomplish something grand. It’s also a time when many people make their “New Years Resolutions”. Did you ever notice that when you talk to people about their resolutions, paradoxically, there is usually an air of resignation? No one seems to really believe that they’re going to stay on top of those things they resolve to do. So resolutions don’t have much of a powerful feel to them – and they’re almost always about giving something up. They just don’t seem to drive any action.
When I had my coaching practice some years ago, I would talk to my clients about intentions instead of resolutions. Intentions are the things we intend to make happen, and by that imagining our intentions are real, bring to bear all the resources and force of will we have at our disposal.
We set our intentions and focus our imagination thereby making our intentions real in our minds. This leads us to specific goals, which leads to game plans which ultimately then leads to actions. Which of course then leads to results.
Did you catch that?
  • Set intentions and imagine them as real
  • Which leads to goals
  • Which leads to game plans
  • Which leads to actions
  • Which leads to RESULTS

So…what are you going to make happen this coming year? What results are you going to produce – for yourself, your business, your family, your community? Do you want to double your sales? Increase your profits? Maybe buy a new house or a new car or take a trip around the world? Will you run a marathon, master downhill skiing or snowboarding, or slim down or bulk up? Or maybe you will change the world, even if only by a little bit. No matter what your intentions are, here are a few questions to answer:
  • Specifically, what are your intentions for the coming year? Answer this in detail: how much or how many, and by when. What will those intentions look like when realized?
  • How are you going to increase your personal power – the velocity with which you turn your intentions into reality.
  • What resources can you bring to bear to realize your intentions?
  • What things, if not dealt with, could stand in your way of reaching your goals?
  • How are you going to get help?

Answering the last question could mean the difference between success and failure. I urge you to think about it seriously. In the meantime, have a happy and productive New Year.

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"Tales from the Mind Field" A collection of short stories coming after the 1st of the year.

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