05 June 2015

Moving Horror to Print

Moving Horror to Print 
by Nikki Villoria -Blogger / Photojournalist

Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess who lived in a castle. Like most fairy tales there was also an evil monster, who terrorized the kingdom, ripping townsfolk apart for meals and threatening anyone who thought of leaving. Little did people know that the princess and the monster were one in the same.

Growing up I was raised on suspense and ghost stories. Plots with a twist and characters with deadly character flaws. While I spent my time playing, reading or letting my over-active imagination run rampant, my dad spent the evenings in his office typing away, creating the horror-filled story plots that I would be told about later, sometimes years later depending on the graphic or gruesome nature.

I wasn't the only one who was a fan, friends, family and other big names read and enjoyed the work as well. Ronald Shusett, writer of Total Recall, said, “It’s a good read.”

As I grew up and was told, and read more of his stories many nights I found myself ending the reading session with a Disney movie to lighten the mood, and today there is still that one story that gives me goose bumps just thinking about it.

Despite the overall good response of not just me but many readers of his work, the stories stopped there, as a written story passed to a friend and later returned to a box in his office, that is, until now. 
Now Robert Villoria is finally forging ahead with his writing and working to publish his first book of short stories. Bias aside, here’s a look at what readers can expect from the first few hundred pages.
First up on the lineup of books is “Tales From the Mind Field”, a collection of horror and suspense short stories.

“Anyone who enjoys a good horror story and some good suspense can be expected to be drawn into the lives and horrors of the characters,” said R.M.Villoria. “Ever since I got back into writing recently, the story ideas just keep flowing and I anticipate several more volumes are in store if this first book gets rolling.”

Now available on Amaon at: http://ow.ly/OxXc1

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