I HATE SHAVING! There, I've said it. But unless I want to eventually look like a neanderthal, I have gone through this ritual every other morning (I will not subject my face to this everyday) of shaving off all the stubble on my face. I tried a mustache once...LOL...hahahaha...no.
So I think it was sometime last year, as I was at Walmart buying my usual pkg. of Mach something blades, mumbling and cursing under my breath at the ridiculous cost for simply 5 blades. especially when time after time they wear out so quickly I usually end up sacrificing a pint or two of blood. (Okay, so I'm prone to exaggeration but you get the idea) Seriously though, one blade might get me two maybe three shaves before it starts tearing at my face. And usually appears rusty. Never a good thing to scrape your face with anything rusty.
On this particular occasion, my lovely wife of near 30 years said to me..."Why don't you try these women's blades. They're Wilkerson, which are better and I found that I get many more shaves per blade than 3 or 4"
I looked at the package...6 blades...around 5 bucks..I though What the heck! I'll try it. Would you believe I'm getting 5 sometimes 6 shaves from these little pink babies every time. Once I even got eight clean shaves before I just figured I JUST HAD to throw it out and reach for another one.
Now I know, some of you guys might have a problem with the pink packaging and all, but if you're serious about
- a. saving money and
- b. getting more shaves per blade,
...then you really need to check this out. I mean it's so unnecessary to pay as much as $8 - $9 even $12 for blades that work once or twice. It's called planned obsolescence and we men have been buying into it for years.
Okay so I've deviated sharply from my usual thoughts on sales & marketing, business visibility, my writing, and even my Mentoring practice but really guys, isn't it time we put our foot down and say "I'm not gonna put up with this rip off any longer and if this is a good alternative, I'm gonna take it"
I did and I'm clean shaven and saving a pretty penny each year as a result.
Happy Shaving